One of the best ways to promote and bring projects closer to the public is by involving young people in them.
With this philosophy, Cabaleiro Errante adapts both drama and fencing lessons for children over 12 years old.
These lessons are focused on a playful perspective as well as discipline, which is necessary for artistic and martial activities.
The relationship between students, group attitude and respect will always be encouraged.
Group activities are offered.
The content of these lessons can be checked in their respective sections: Historical & Drama.
Specific curriculum
- Superior Degree in Interpretation, Textual Specialty (2016)
- Superior Degree in Direction and Playwriting, Directing Specialty (2020)
- Specialist in Historical Fencing (Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga)
- 2nd Dan Black Belt from the Royal Spanish Fencing Federation
- Workshop in Stage Fencing with Ton Puey, Santiago de Compostela, 2015
- Maschere di Commedia dell’Arte with Carlo Bosso, Padova (Italy), 2018
- Introduction to Commedia dell’Arte with Adriano Iurissevich, Vigo, 2019
- European Historical Martial Arts at Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga, 2016-Present
- European Historical Martial Arts at Arte do Combate, 2021-Present
- HEMA classes for children in Compostela (2022-Present)
- Aquelando Christmas activities for children: Fencing (2022)
- Aquelando Christmas activities for children: Commedia dell’Arte (2022)
- Introduction to the Fiore style course (SVEA 2022)
- Spear history throughout the centuries (SVEA 2022)
- Introduction to close combat “xogos e abrazos” (“Games and hugs”) (SVEA 2022)
- Introduction to Messer (SVEA 2022)
- Rondel dagger and biomechanics (SVEA 2022)
- X Festival di Comed’arte, Viterbo, 2019 (Ludíka 1243 XIX Edizione)
- Course: integration of fencing and acting with Gastrafetes group (2019)
- Course: Introduction to Stage Fencing with AESAD (2019)
- Course: Introduction to Stage Fencing with AESAD (2018)
- Course: Il teatro di basse no CCR Peitieiros (2017)
- Practices in Theatre Pedagogy at IES Pino Manso (2016-2017)
- XVI Manicómicos Festival, 2016
- Padova Fringe Festival VII Giornata Mondiale della Commedia dell’Arte, 2016
- Padova Fringe Festival VI Giornata Mondiale della Commedia dell’Arte, 2015
- Finalist of Xuventude Crea 2015 Awards (play: A tres niveis)
To learn more
Contact me
Write or call requesting more information, prices and availability.